Village Setting for 'Yun Shui Yao' ​(Fujian)

雲水謠 : 云水谣

Yún shǔi yáo : yun(2) sui(3) yau(2)

​After seeing some tulou, we took a picturesque walk along a river whose name I cannot seem to find, to reach the village where the Chinese film Yun Shui Yao was set. The film was made in 2006 and was submitted - but not nominated - for Best Foreign Language Film at the 80th Academy Awards. You can find more information in English about this film here:

Art students on the opposite bank of the river, concentrating intently...​

...we crossed over to their side to admire the view.​

​Walking down the riverside, there were many elegant trees:

Some of these buildings had been used in the film.​

A different tulou-lamp design to the one in Moiyan:​

The area was blissfully green and tranquil. I suspect it gets somewhat less tranquil when it's high tourist season!​

​A cool spot to have some tea. On the right is a large stone with Yun Shui Yao​ engraved in gold.

​Here a posterboard advertises the area's claim to fame.

​Even more students, all very hard at work.