Hakka Indians
Through my general research (read: Googling) on Moiyan, I was interested to find out that a large number of Hakkas who settled in India can also trace their roots back to the Moiyan area. The Chinese in India are based mainly in Kolkata (Calcutta), but, as in Mauritius, recent emigration to Canada, Australia and the US has diminished the population.
Association of Indian Deoli Camp Internees 1962
During the Sino-Indian War of 1962, the Indian Government interned thousands of people, including children, from the Chinese community in a detention camp in Deoli, Rajasthan, under suspicion of being spies or communist sympathisers. Many lost homes and businesses in the process and were never compensated. The AIDCI seeks to raise public awareness of these events and campaign for a formal apology from the Indian Government.
Yeeva, an intrepid young Hakka-Indian-Canadian involved with AIDCI has been recording the stories of survivors of the Deoli Camp on her blog. Please click here to read their stories.
You can find out more on the official AIDCI website or the AIDCI Facebook page.